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The Sibelius in Korpo XXIII festival

19–21.7. 2024

“Jean Sibelius and Béla Bartók”

Additional information and tickets: petri.kirkkomaki@kolumbus.fi, puh. 0400-708 878


Petri Kirkkomäki, executive director, baritone, executive director

Folke Gräsbeck, artistic director, piano

Jyrki Anttila, tenor

Emma Kajander, soprano

Fredrika Mikkola, violin, (France), young artist of the year 2024

Laura Mikkola, piano, (France)

Wegelius Chamber Strings, dir. Erik Nygård, Annemarie Åström, violin, concertmaster

Friday 19.7. 2024 Twilight concert at Korpo Manor at 6 pm

Jyrki Anttila tenor, Emma Kajander soprano, Folke Gräsbeck piano, artistic director

a.o. Sibelius: Var det en dröm? - The Golden Age of Romantic Nationalism

Saturday 20.7. 2024 the Norrskata church at 3 pm

Wegelius Chamber Strings, dir. Erik Nygård, Annemarie Åström violin, concertmaster, Folke Gräsbeck piano

a.o. Sibelius: Rakastava-suite, Bartók: Six romanian dances, Armas Järnefelt: Berceuse, The lament of the abandoned one


Saturday 20.7. 2024 concert at Korpo Manor at 6 pm 

Emma Kajander soprano, Fredrika Mikkola violin, Laura Mikkola piano, Folke Gräsbeck piano

a.o.. Sibelius and the Astronomy: The Meteorsonata for violin and piano


Sunday 21.7. 2024 Flower greeting at the Sibelius monument in Korpo centre at 12 am

Music, flower greetings and speeches,

a.o. Emma Kajander soprano, song, Petri Kirkkomäki baritone speech and song


Sunday 21.7. 2024 Final concert at Korpo Manor at 3 pm

Fredrika Mikkola violin, Laura Mikkola piano, Folke Gräsbeck piano

a.o. Bartók: Rapsody for violin, Mikrokosmos, Sibelius: Finlandia op.26

Sibelius was once asked which contemporary composers does he hold in high regard. He answered “R. Strauss, Sjostakovitj and Bartók”. We have already had a Strauss program in Korpo and it Bartók’s turn. The young artist of the year, the violinist Fredrika Mikkola performs the tantalizing Rapsody nbr 1 together with her mother the pianovirtuoso Laura Mikkola (Paris). The Wegelius Chamber strings celebrate in 2024, 20 years of successful musicianship

The program in detail:

 Friday 19.7. 2024 Twillight concert at Korpo Manor at 6 pm

Jyrki Anttila tenor, Emma Kajander soprano, Folke Gräsbeck piano, artistic director

to be updated

Saturday 20.7. 2024 the Norrskata church at 3 pm

Wegelius Chamber Strings, dir. Erik Nygård, Annemarie Åström violin, concertmaster, Folke Gräsbeck piano

to be updated


Saturday 20.7. 2024 concert at Korpo Manor at 6 pm 

Emma Kajander soprano, Fredrika Mikkola violin, Laura Mikkola piano, Folke Gräsbeck piano

to be updated

Sunday 21.7. 2024 Flower greeting at the Sibelius Monument in Korpo centre at 12 am

Music, flower greetings, speeches,

Emma Kajander soprano, Petri Kirkkomäki baryton, Folke Gräsbeck piano

to be updated


Sunday 21.7. 2024 Finla concert at Korpo Manor at 3 pm

Fredrika Mikkola violin, Laura Mikkola piano, Folke Gräsbeck piano

to be updated




Taiteellinen johtaja Folke Gräsbeck Yle Vegassa. 

Kuuntele tästä: 



Petri Kirkkomäki. Executive director, baritone

Folke Gräsbeck, Artistic director, piano

Jyrki Anttila, tenor

Emma Kajander, soprano

Fredrika Mikkola, violin

Laura Mikkola, piano

Wegelius Kammarstråkar, photo Emilia Nyberg